Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Be Value Added!

1. "Of course, you'll have to meet the physical and psychological demands. A space walk takes a lot of energy".
-- Leroy Chiao

2. "All personal, psychological, social, and institutionalized domination on this earth can be traced back to its source: the phallic identities of men".
-- Andrea Dworkin

3. "The great book for you is the book that has the most to say to you at the moment when you are reading. I do not mean the book that is most instructive, but the book that feeds your spirit. And that depends on your age, your experience, your psychological and spiritual need".
-- Robertson Davies

4. "Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing".
-- Wernher von Braun

5. "Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve".
-- Max Planck

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Thought Break!...

"Upadeshalavam shaastram kuruthey ddheematho yatha:|
Thatthu praapyaiva visthaaram svayamevaopagachhathi|| (1)

Jale thelam khale guhyam paathre dhaamam managapi|
Praajne shaastram svayam yaathi visthaaram vasthushakthina:||" (2)
Meaning: "A little instruction and guidance in Science is sufficient for the intelligent student, for this alone will help him develop his knowledge of his own record. Science instilled into the intelligent mind has sufficient vitality in it to grow and expand by its own force even as a drop of oil on a sheet of water, a piece of secret confined to a villain, or a little act of charity of the deserving person!"

--Bhaskara, Indian Mathematician cum Philosopher.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Till now debates lie in defining what is mind? Let me also try a new definition of mind as, "the invisible state of integrated action, regulated synchronization of thoughts and actions, controlled by a mystique power that drives the brain to execute eventually". Is it convincing? I hope so.

Mind. It is really a powerful word that speaks about one's inner self. All of us are still excavating to present it in words... but how far it can be done for satisfaction of all?
I shall try my best...

Let us meet soon...


Before I pull my flush, out into this blog I wish to share, what this blog meant for? Obviously, I wish to stage the thoughts that often impinge my hypothalamus that make me much heated, which is an outrage or roughly some kind of frustration-coated anguish on this world, the insights of people about Science, Philosophy, and Psychology. Explicitly, to say what you learn in Science fits you to make your mind to feel the reality, and to deal everything in a psycho-philosophical panorama, which is implicitly shaping our mind, without our knowledge, unless or otherwise teased, what is actually happening inside us, mentally. This can be looed!

Mind, obviously, a plethora of vivid thoughts, also thinks against, at a time on an aspect. How it happens, why humankind has been damned to this...? Only Nature has to answer! However, with our thought process and knowledge, we can inculcate the virtual image of what the puranas, old scriptures, etc give, in the form of a real image into human mind... That's what I am trying to say here.

Clearly, if we regulate our thoughts and process of them in a streamlined way we can achieve great things! How? Science, Philosophy, and Psychology have the answer!

I readily welcome constructive criticism about this...... so that all of us can walk in "THE PATH OF INTELLIGENCE" and not blindly on something else...

This is the place to share intelligence in a right sense to pull out the innate feelings, brilliance, what is the mission of our birth, or do we try to find it... and so on... Let us do this SCIENTIFICALLY!
